I just added a box that lists my AMV progress. I'll update the box as soon as progress is made. The box should be to the left. The first time number is how much video has been made so far. The second number is how long the video is going to be. I figure that this is the best way to keep track of progress. Keep in mind that some parts of a video will be more complex than other parts, so there might be 5 seconds of progress or 25 seconds of progress. It all depends on the video. Once a video is done, I'll take it off the list and make a post detailing how I made it, my inspiration, or anything else I want to say about it. I won't add a new video to the list until I actually start making it.
This is my first AMV update post. Which is basically a list of some of the AMVs that are I am workinng on.
#1: The Last Time (1:08 out of 1:46)
I uploaded a preview of this last month. Sadly, there has been no progress since the preview. However, I only have to edit one more verse of the song, then it will be finished. I am considering adding text, but I kind of like the raw style it has, so I probably won't. The last verse has a completely different style to it. It will look a bit like Utopia (clips like photographs, track motion, lots of text) because the verse has a faster tempo to it.
#2: Utopia (0:18 out of 1:25)
A preview of this was also uploaded last month. Again, no progress. This is a little farther from being finished than "The Last Time" is. There are a couple verses before and after the section seen in the preview that need to be done. But, those sections should be easier since they will have a raw style instead of a whole bunch of track motion, like I had to do for the other parts.
(Previews for "The Last Time" and "Utopia")
#3: Stand My Ground (0:25 out of 4:27)
This is a completely new video that I started about Ash and Paul's rivalry. There are a couple of seconds at the beginning of the song that transition from being slow to fast which drive me absolutely crazy because I can't figure out how to time the editing correctly. I've tried a couple different orders for the clips, but it still doesn't look right. Anyway, the first 25 seconds of music that are slow are more or less finished.
This -----------------------------^ is what the slow part currently looks like. I used an effect to make it look grainy with those moving vertical white line things you sometimes see in old film. I don't think it shows up in the picture, but there is also a flickery blue light effect. This video is mostly from Ash's point of view, since I think the lyrics match his mindset better that Paul's. After the transition part, there is going to be a "battle montage" to some fast, awesome, instrumentals. This would include everything except the Lake Aquity and Sinnoh League battles. Those two battles each get their own verse. It's also going to have some Chimchar stuff in it. I am using the whole song.
#4: Aquarius (Not started)
It's going to be an Ikarishipping video. Very glitchy effects with a darker feel, and angsty and ASFGHJK... okay, I'm done.
Now, let's move on to the non-Pokemon portion.
#5: Angels (Not started)
This is a Buffy/Angel video. (are they still called AMVs if it's not an anime?) Although, the "sparkling angel" line in the song sort of gave me a bad mental image. (no, I didn't read/watch Twilight, I just read some stuff hating on it) Anyways, despite that line, I think the song fits so I'm still going to make it, and try to ignore that line.
#6: Uprising (Not started)
This is a Deltora Quest video. Basically a montage of them getting all the gems and overthrowing the Shadow Lord. The problem with this is that I can't find good quality, wide screen, raw versions of episodes 47 and up. The closest I could get had a time stamp in the corner, but I guess I can work with it.
Well, I think that's all for now. I'll try to finish these as soon as I can. Also, I realize that all of those except "Uprising" use Within Temptation songs. You probably think that they are my favorite band, and you're right. I realize that I should probably find some new music to edit to. The new school year just started for me so expect very few, if any new videos or progress. I know, I have a hard time finishing videos. But, I have to put school first.