Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Life Update #1

So, you have all probably noticed that I haven't posted anything in a while. This is because I can't think of anything to write about. I haven't really been editing because school is keeping me very busy. I'm not sure if I will be able to edit at all any time soon, because all the upcoming breaks from school are to be spent with extended family out of town. I will not have access to any hard drives with episodes or any other editing material out of town. Therefore, I will be on hiatus until further notice, most likely until sometime after Christmas or New Years.

In other news, I am getting a drawing tablet very soon. This means that I will actually be able to draw properly, because it is very hard to draw with the mouse on Photoshop. I might actually upload stuff onto Deviantart. Yes, I do have an account on that, but there is nothing on it, so I didn't bother to link it.

Oh yeah, I have recently found out that my aunt has discovered my blog and has told some other extended relatives about it. That explains the sudden increase of views from Canada. So, hi there, eh!